The Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer exam is considered one of the hardest in the IT industry, and we can tell you from experience that a large chunk of exam candidates go in to the test unprepared. As programmers, we tend to learn only what we need to complete our current project, given the insane deadlines we're usually under But this exam attempts to prove your complete understanding of the Java language, not just the parts of it you've become familiar with in your work.
It isn't enough to be able to get your code to work correctly; you must understand the core fundamentals in a deep way, and with enough breadth to cover virtually anything that could crop up in the course of using the language.
The Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer Exam (covered in the posts of our Tech Dexters) is unique to the IT certification realm, because it actually evaluates your skill as a developer rather than simply your knowledge of the language or tools. Becoming a Certified Java Developer is, by definition, a development experience.
Who Cares About Certification?
Employers do. Headhunters do. Programmers do. Java's programmer exam has been considered the fastest-growing certification in the IT world, and the number of candidates taking the exam continues to grow each year. Passing this exam proves three important things to a current or prospective employer: you're smart; you know how to study and prepare for a challenging test; and, most of all, you know the Java language.
If an employer has a choice between a candidate who has passed the exam and one who hasn't, the employer knows that the certified programmer will be an assert to the Company.To really demonstrate your ability to develop (as opposed to just your knowledge of the language), you should consider pursuing the Developer Exam
If you Lost:
If you don't pass the exam, don't be discouraged. Try to have a good attitude about the experience, and get ready to try again. Consider yourself a little more educated. You know the format of the test a little better, and the report shows which areas you need to strengthen.
If you bounce back quickly, you'll probably remember several of the questions you might have missed. This will help you focus your study efforts in the right area. Ultimately, remember that Sun certifications are valuable because they're hard to get. After all, if anyone could get one, what value would it have? In the end, it takes a good attitude and a lot of studying, but you can do it!
You will not find a beginner's guide to learning Java in this Blog. All posts of this blog are dedicated solely to helping you pass the exams. If you are brand new to Java, we suggest you spend a little time learning the basics. In other words, for any given topic, we start with the assumption that you are new to that topic. So we assume you're new to the individual topics, but we assume that you are not new to Java. We also do not pretend to be both preparing you for the exam and simultaneously making you a complete Java being. This is very clear about our mission.
Before discussing about the practice questions we will post set of Drill Points. You also can use the drills as a way to do a quick cram before the exam.
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